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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II..

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Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
t Point, Va., 126; his corps in reserve at Gaines's Mill, 156; repulses the enemy's attack at Goldi Royal, Va., fight at, 133-4. G. Gaines's Mill, Va., battle of, 154 to 158; map of the fields toward Mobile, 695. Griffin, Gen., at Gaines's Mill, 156; at Malvern Hill, 165; captures 1,5002-3; repulsed at Mechani<*>sville, 153; at Gaines's Mill, 155; at Malvern Hill, 165; his movements,nton, 561. Martindale, Gen. John H., at Gaines's Mill. 156; at Malvern Hill, 165. Martinsburg the Secretary of War, after his defeat at Gaines's Mill, 158: retreats to the James river, 159, 16ntietam, 206. Meade, Gen. George G., at Gaines's Mill, 156; at Malvern Hill, 162; at South Mountee, 743. Meagher, Brig.-Gen. T. F., at Gaines's Mill, 162; at Antietam, 208; at Fredericksburg, Rebels, 340. Morrell, Gen., engaged at Gaines's Mill, 155. Morris Island, Gen. Strong establebels at Hanover C. H., 141-2; commands at Gaines's Mill, 155-7; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Gainesvil[19 more...]
Upperville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Somerville, Tenn., 616. South Mills, N. C., 80 Spring Hill, Tenn., 284. Springfield, Mo., 447. Springfield, W. Va., 599. St. Charles, Ark., 554. Stony Creek, Va., 588. Strasburg, Va., 612. Suffolk, Va., 366. Sutherlands Depot, Va., 734. Talladega, Ala., 631. Tebb's Bend, Ky., 404. Thoroughfare Gap, Va., 183. Town Creek, N. C., 715. Trevilian's, Va., 582. Tunnel Hill, Ga., 618. Tupelo. Miss., 622. Turner's Gap, Md., 196. Tuseumbia, Ala., 285. Union City, Tenn., 618. Upperville, Va., 373. Valverde, N. M., 22. Washington City, 605. Washington, N. C., 482. Wauhatchie, Tenn., 434. Waynesboroa, Ga., 727. Weldon Road. Va., 592. West Point, Ga., 720. White Oak Ridge, Ga., 445. White Oak Road, Va., 731. Williston Station, S. C., 704. Wilson's Wharf, Va., 584. Winchester, Va., 135; do., do., 605. Wise's Forks, N. C., 716. Wood Lake, Minn., 454. Wytheville, Va., 403; 599. Yazoo City, Miss., 318; 617. Yellow Tavern, Va., 574. Zollicoffer, Tenn., 283
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
ts hesitating. 1916: battle of South Mountain, 198-9; marches westward, 109; condition of his army, 202-3; fights Lee at Antietam. 205; statement of his own, and estimate of the enemy's strength. 209; his losses, 209; his captures from the enemy at South Mountain, Crampton's Gap, and Antietam. 210; reinforced with 14.000 men, 210; sends Gen. Williams to retake Maryland Heights, 211; fails to prevent or punish Stuart's raids into Pennsylvania, 211; crosses the Potomac, and advances to Warrenton, Va., when he is relieved by Gen. Burnside, 212; his views on Slavery, 237-8; 248-9; nomination for President, and platform, 669-70; defeated by Lincoln, 673. McClernand, Gen. John A., at Fort Henry, 45-6; at Fort Donelson, 48-9; in battle of Pittsburg Landing. 59 to 71; captures Fort Hindman, 293; his losses, 294; at Port Gibson, 304; at Champion Hills, 307; at Vicksburg, 311; at Alexandria, Red river, 550. McCook, Gen. A. D., at Perryville, 218 ; at Nashville and Stone River, 273-5; a
Waynesboro, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
; his gunboats advance near charleston, 460; failure of his attack on Fort McAllister, 463-4; his partiality to deck-fighting, 472. Duryea, Gen., at South Mountain, 198. Duvall's Bluff, 555. E. Early, Gen. Jubal A., charges at Cedar Mountain — is forced to fall back, 177; commands Jackson's division at Antietam, 206; at Gettysburg, 380 to 387; menaces Washington — is repulsed, 605; he surprises Crook at Cedar Creek, 613; Sheridan routs him at Cedar Creek, 614-5; again routed at Waynesboro, 727. East Point, Ga. Sherman's operations at, 636. Ector, Brig.-Gen., at Chickamauga, 417. eddy, Col., Killed at Iuka, 224. Edisto Island, occupied by Sherman, 460. Edisto river, Sherman's army crosses the, 698. Egan, Col., his gallantry, 188. Elder's battery, at Olustee, 531. Eldridge, Col., 127th Ill., at Vicksburg, 310. Emancipation, views of distinguished statesmen and generals on Slavery, 232 to 256; proclamations of President Lincoln, 253-5; proclamation o
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Col. Ulric, killed in a raid on Richmond, 565. Dallas, Ga., captured by Sherman, 628. Dalton, Ga., captured by Sherman, 626. Dana, Gen. N. J. T., at West Point, Va., 126-7; at Fair Oaks, 146; wounded at Antietam. 209; at Morganzia, La., 346; services in Western Texas, 341; his raid in North Alabama, 695. Davidson, Genalf of Sherman, 696; relieved in consequence of his wound, 696. Foster, Col., defeats Sam. Jones at Blue Springs, Tenn., 470. Franklin, Gen. Wm. B., at West Point, Va., 126; his corps in reserve at Gaines's Mill, 156; repulses the enemy's attack at Golding's farm, 160; commands a corps at Malvern Hill, 165; ordered to reenfo expedition, 83, 91, 97; sent to Lafourche, 104-5; declines to assault Wilmington, 711; enters Richmond, 737. Wessells, Gen., wounded at Fair Oaks, 148. West Point, Va., fight at, 126-7. West Virginia, operations in, 108; 140; 598. Wharton, Gen., raids in Middle Tenn., 433. Wheeler, Gen., wounded at Lavergne, 271; hi
Wytheville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Duke at Kingsport, Tenn., 688; captures 200 men and 8 guns from Vaughan at Wytheville, Va., 688. Gillmore, Gen. Quincy A., routs Pegram near Somerset, 427; his plones, Gen. Thomas N., evacuates Pensacola, 459. Jones, Major-Gen. Sam., at Wytheville and Lewisburg, 403. Jones, Maj.-Gen. J. M., wounded at Malvern Hill, 166; 135; do., do., 605. Wise's Forks, N. C., 716. Wood Lake, Minn., 454. Wytheville, Va., 403; 599. Yazoo City, Miss., 318; 617. Yellow Tavern, Va., 574. Zollic Parsons, Gen. M., killed at Pleasant Hill, 544. Patton, Col. G. S., at Wytheville and Lewisburg, Va., 408; 404. Paul, Brig--Gen., wounded at Gettysburg, 388Pope's operations in, 172; Banks and McDowell assigned to Pope, 172; fight at Wytheville and Lewisburg, 403. W. Wachusett, Capt. Collins, captures the Floridaded at Antietam, 210. Wyman, Col. J. B., killed near Vicksburg, 290. Wytheville, Va., fight at, 403; Gillem takes 200 men and 8 guns at, 683. Y. Yazoo
Yellow Tavern (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
5. White Oak Road, Va., 731. Williston Station, S. C., 704. Wilson's Wharf, Va., 584. Winchester, Va., 135; do., do., 605. Wise's Forks, N. C., 716. Wood Lake, Minn., 454. Wytheville, Va., 403; 599. Yazoo City, Miss., 318; 617. Yellow Tavern, Va., 574. Zollicoffer, Tenn., 283. Mississippi, railroads broken in, 71-2; Rosecrans in, 75; cavalry raids to Grenada, 615; desultory expeditions between Virginia and the, 615; Sovy Smith's failure in, 617. Missouri, reoccupied by Rebels, ffs, 289; at Fort Hindman, 293. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., raids around McClellan's army, 150; his report, 189; at South Mountain, 196; fights Pleasanton, 369; at Gettysburg, 389; at Centerville, 395; at Chickamauga, 422; mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern, Va., 574. Sturgis, Lt.-Col, at Port Gibson, Miss., 305. Sturgis, Maj.-Gen. S. D., reenforces Pope, 179; at Alexandria, 179; is routed at Guntown, 621-2. Sullivan, Gen. J. C., at Iuka, 224; routs Forrest, 282. Sumner, Hon. Chas., on
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
ract from his report, on McClellan's delay at Yorktown, 122; on McClellan's failure to improve the omands a corps in Army of the Potomac. 108; at Yorktown, 120; in battle of Williamsburg. 122 to 125; nscription, 697. Magruder, Gen. J. B., at Yorktown, 120; on siege of Yorktown, 121; abandons YorYorktown, 121; abandons Yorktown, 122: report on the Seven Days struggle, 159; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Galveston, 323. MahoYorktown, 122: report on the Seven Days struggle, 159; at Malvern Hill, 165; at Galveston, 323. Mahone, Gen., at Malvern Hill, 165. Major, Lt.-Col., 1st N. C., killed at Olustee, 531. Makall, Gef Rebel force on the Peninsula, 120; delay at Yorktown, 121; 122; extracts from report and dispatcheVirginia, 129: his estimate of Rebel force at Yorktown, 130; remonstrates against depletion of his force in the Valley, 114; on Rebel strength at Yorktown, 120; on burning of Columbia, S. C., 701; on ses the Edisto, 619. Smith, Gen. W. F., at Yorktown, 121; in Peninsula campaign, 122; at Antietam river railroad, burned by Rebels, 159. Yorktown, Va., siege of, 120-22; evacuation of by Magrud[1 more...]
Beverly (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
Allatoona, Tenn., 639. Apache Pass, N. M., 24. Appomattox, Va., 743. Aransas Pass, Tex., 341. Arrow Rock, Ark., 453. Athens, Ala., 678. Bachelor's Cr'k, N. C., 533. Bailey's Creek, Va., 591. Batesville, Ark., 417. Baxter's Springs, I. T., 452. Bayou Fourche. Ark., 452. Bayou Metea, Ark., 451. Bean's Station, Tenn., 622. Bear River, Idaho, 455. Belleville. Ohio, 406. Benton, Miss., 696. Bentonville, Ark., 27. Bermuda Hundreds, 567. Beverly Ford, Va., 369. Beverly, W. Va., 727. Big Black, Miss., 309. Big Blue, Mo., 561. Big Creek, Ark., 554. Blakely, Ala., 723. Bloody Bridge, S. C., 533. Blooming Gap, Va., 108. Boonsboroa, Md., 203. Boydton Road, Va., 734. Boyle's Creek, Ala., 718. Brandy Station, Va., 319. Brashear City, La., 337. Bridgeport, Ala., 72. Bristow Station, Va., 395. Buckland's Mills, Va., 396. Bushy Creek, I. T., 33. Cabin Creek. I. T., 449. Cache River. Ark., 34. Campbell's Station, 431. Cane River, La., 548. Ca
Bunker Hill (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 36
lellan's right wing, 172; his letter intercepted, 178; on the Rappahannock, 180; victorious at Gainesville, or second Bull Run, 188; his official report. 187; his captures from Pope, 189; his losses, 189; his advance into Maryland, 193; address to Maryland, 193-4; his general order, 194-5; Harper's Ferry his object, 195; divides his army, 196; at the battle of South Mountain, 198; on Antietam creek, near Sharpsburg, 204; his report of the battle, 210; recrosses the Potomac, 210; moves to Bunker Hill and Winchester. 211; fights Burnside at Fredericksburg, 343 to 349; fights Hooker, 355; Sedgwick on his rear at Chancellorsville, 363; his order, 365; his army on free soil, 367; he enters Pennsylvania, 373; fights Meade at Gettysburg, 380 to 388; retreats to the Potomac — his loss, 391; chases Meade up to Centerville, 495; recrosses the Rappahannock, 396; prepares to fight Grant, 566; fights Grant in the Wilderness, 567 to 571: at Spottsylvania, 572-3; Cold Harbor, 580; defense of the m