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Associated Press dispatches. Arrival of the Steamship Australasian at New York. New York, December 29. --The steamship Australasian, from Liverpool 16th instant, has arrived. The message of President Johnson was favorably received, and was regarded as friendly. United States bonds improved after its reception. Financial and commercial. Liverpool, December 16. --Cotton — The sales of the week were eighty thousand bales, including twelve thousand to speculators and twenty-two thousand to exporters. The market opened dull at a decline of ½d., but recovered, closing with an advance of ½ d. on the week. The quotation of Middling Orleans is 21 to 21¼d. The sales on Friday were eight thousand bales, the market closing quiet. The stock in port is three hundred and forty-eight thousand bales including one hundred and twenty-seven thousand bales of American. The Latest. Liverpool, Saturday, P. M. --The sales to-day were ten thousand bales, inc
... 92 93 94 95 96 97