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Late and important from Europe. Advices from Europe to the 11th instant have been received. Great Britain. In the House of Commons, on the 9th instant, Lord Robert Cecil asked whether any demands had been received by the foreign office from the American Government or the American Ambassador, demanding compensation for losses occasioned to American citizens by the Alabama or other vessels commissioned by the American Government of the Confederate States. Mr. Layard said that there had been no demand of the kind made during the last six months. Mr. Bright asked whether the Government had not received numerous claims from English subjects against the Government of the United States, on account of transactions during the war, and whether they were intended to be forwarded by the Government. Mr. Layard said the Government had received claims of this character, and they had been forwarded. Mr. F. Peel, in reply to Mr. Baxter, said that two vessels, not quit
The following little flare-up will serve to indicate the feeling of a certain party, at least, in France, towards the people of America; that is, both Federal and Confederate: "In the French Senate, on the 9th, the general discussion on the address was commenced. The Marquis de Boissy expressed a wish that the Ministers should be responsible for the policy of the Government. He pointed out the deplorable conduct pursued by England, which was still the asylum of assassins, ready to attempt the life of the Emperor, and continued: 'I do not believe the Convention of September will ever be carried out. It is necessary that the Pope should remain in Rome, for, if France is Bonapartist, much more is she Catholic.' "Marshal Magnan animadverted in energetic language on the assertion of Marquis de Boissy, that on the day of the Emperor's death, France would fall into a state of anarchy. When this event occurred, the Senate, the Corps Legislatif, the army, and the country,
From Georgia. New York, December 12. --The steamer Herman Livingston, from Savannah 9th instant, has arrived. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens peremptorily declines the candidacy for the United States Senate. Hon. C. J. Jenkins, recently elected Governor of Georgia, sent a communication to the Legislature on the 8th instant declining the inauguration at present. Nothing is said in the proclamation about the election of Governor. The Savannah Herald contains Provisional Governor Johnson's message to the Legislature, in which he entreats them to bring forward their prejudices and animosities and offer them as a sacrifice on the altar of our common country, that we may once more present the happy spectacle of brothers. The House of Representatives has instructed the Judiciary Committee to report a bill securing to persons of color the right of property, the right to sue and be sued, and to testify in the courts.
From Mexico — Imperial Successes. New York, December 13. --The steamer Columbia, from Havana on the 9th, has arrived, bringing Mexican dates to the 28th ultimo. The Republican General Dins is said to have been twice repulsed by the Imperialists in the district of Iguba. The French still hold Magattan. The Liberals have taken possession of San Sebastian. The Imperial journals are much exercised because twelve North Americans were captured in Duranco in uniform and armed. Leon Guzman, formerly one of the Cabinet, had taken up arms against the Empire, and was collecting a force. The French forces occupied Victoria November 17th. The enemy made a feeble resistance. The French--had no loss. Riva Palacio had taken command of the Liberal forces in Michoacan. Washington, December 13. --Official news has been received from Matamoras by Mr. Romero, the Mexican Minister, showing that General Escobedo, of the Independent army, was obliged to raise the siege, bo
The Daily Dispatch: December 19, 1865., [Electronic resource], Examination for Attempted Incendiarism — the accused sent on. (search)
A New Oil strike. --We learn that, at what is known as the McConaghy and Jones well, on the E. Pettay farm, near Burning Springs, West Virginia, on the 9th instant, a splendid strike was made at the depth of seven hundred and twenty feet, and is now pumping and flowing at the rate of three hundred barrels per day.--Wheeling Register. We hope to hear of some "oil strikes" in this region before long. Do our people really believe that there is no oil here ? Let them bore for it. It is a more valuable product than tobacco.
Maryland and Delaware railroad. --Chief Engineer Tilghman passed the first train over his road on the 9th instant. It consisted of a house car and twelve flat cars, loaded with iron, chains and spikes. The road is expected to be completed to Greensborough, Caroline county, Md., by the 1st of March, and to Easton by March next.
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