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Your search returned 269 results.

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Lemma Dictionaries Max. Freq. Min. Freq. Short Definition
ἀψόρροος2 Autenrieth 29 0 returning, back again, back;
ἄψορρος LSJ, Middle Liddell 42 21 going back, backwards,
βαθύρροος LSJ, Middle Liddell, Autenrieth 10 10 deep-flowing,
βιορρός LSJ 0 0 [unavailable]
βίρρος LSJ 0 0 birrus
βορρόλιψ LSJ 0 0 north-west wind,
ξηροχειμάρρους LSJ 0 0 dry watercourse,
δακρυρροέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 15 15 melt into tears, shed tears,
δακρύρροια LSJ 0 0 shedding of tears,
δακρύρροος LSJ, Middle Liddell 3 3 flowing with tears,
διάπυρρος LSJ 0 0 bright red,
διάρροδος LSJ 0 0 compounded of roses,
διαρροή LSJ, Middle Liddell 2 2 channel, pipe,
διάρροια LSJ, Middle Liddell 30 30 flowing through, diarrhoea,
διαρροϊκός LSJ 0 0 suffering from diarrhoea,
διαρροιζέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 1 1 to whizz through,
διαρροΐζομαι LSJ 0 0 suffer from diarrhoea,
διαρρομβέομαι LSJ 0 0 assume the figure of a rhombus,
διάρρομβος LSJ 0 0 rhomboid,
διαρροθέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 1 1 to roar
διάρρους LSJ 0 0 passage, channel,
διχόρροπος LSJ, Middle Liddell 5 5 oscillating,
ἔγκιρρος LSJ 0 0 pale-yellow
ἐκκιρρόω LSJ 0 0 become hardened,
ἑλικόρροος LSJ 1 1 with winding stream
ἔμπυρρος LSJ 0 0 ruddy
ἐνσκιρρόω LSJ, Middle Liddell 0 0 harden
ἐπίπυρρος LSJ 0 0 reddish
ἐπιρροφάνω LSJ 0 0 [unavailable]
ἐπιρροφέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 6 6 swallow besides
ἐπιρρόγανον LSJ 0 0 [unavailable]
ἐπιρροή LSJ, Middle Liddell 38 38 afflux, influx
ἐπίρροια LSJ 5 5 [unavailable]
ἐπιρροιβδέω LSJ 2 0 croak so as to forbode rain
ἐπιρροίβδην LSJ, Middle Liddell 2 0 with noisy fury
ἐπιρροιζέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 1 1 shriek
ἐπιρρομβέω LSJ 0 0 make a buzzing noise
ἐπίρροος LSJ 0 0 influx, redundance
ἐπίρροπος LSJ 0 0 inclining
ἐπιρροθέω LSJ, Middle Liddell 16 10 shout in answer
ἐπιρρόθητος LSJ 0 0 blamed
ἐπίρροθος LSJ, Middle Liddell, Autenrieth 16 10 coming to the rescue
ἐπιρρόχανον LSJ 0 0 [unavailable]
ἐπισκιρρόομαι LSJ 0 0 become coagulated
ἐπισύρροια LSJ 0 0 conflux,
ἐπιτάρροθος LSJ, Middle Liddell, Autenrieth 13 13 helper, defender,
ἐπιχερρονησιάζω LSJ 1 1 approach a peninsular form,
ἑπτάρροος LSJ 0 0 with seven channels,
Ἔρρος LSJ 0 0 [unavailable]
ἔρρους LSJ 0 0 irrigated,
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