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Your search returned 52 results.

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Lemma Dictionaries Max. Freq. Min. Freq. Short Definition
alienigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 334 0 one born in a foreign land, an alien
amnigena Lewis & Short 1 1 Born in a river
anguigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4 4 engendered of a serpent
Apenninigena Lewis & Short 1 1 born upon the Apennines
Appenninigena Elem. Lewis 0 0 born on the Apennines
Aquilonigena Lewis & Short 0 0 born in the north
Atlantigena Lewis & Short 0 0 begotten of Atlas
Aurigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 sprung from gold
Baetigena Lewis & Short 0 0 born on the BÅ“tis
Caucasigena Lewis & Short 1 1 born on
Christigena Lewis & Short 0 0 the posterity of Ruth
divigena Lewis & Short 0 0 born of God
draconigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 4 4 dragonborn
Faunigena Lewis & Short 0 0 descended from Faunus
flammigena Lewis & Short 0 0 Cacus
fluctigena Lewis & Short 0 0 wave-born
folligena Lewis & Short 0 0 produced by a bellows
fontigena Lewis & Short 0 0 born by fountains
gena Lewis & Short 2,548 28 a cheek; plur.
Graecigena Lewis & Short 0 0 a Greek by birth
Graiugena Elem. Lewis 0 0 a Grecian by birth, Greek
Grajugena Lewis & Short 7 7 a Grecian by birth
Ignigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6 0 the fire-born, son of fire
indigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 360 0 sprung from the land, native, indigenous
Iunonigena Elem. Lewis 0 0 born of Juno
Janigena Lewis & Short 1 1 begotten by Janus, child of Janus
lagena Lewis & Short 42 42 of glass
Latinigena Lewis & Short 0 0 one born in Latium
Latonigena Elem. Lewis 5 5 child of Latona
Majugena Lewis & Short 0 0 the Maia-born
Martigena Lewis & Short 25 25 Mars-born, begotten by Mars
monstrigena Lewis & Short 0 0 monster-bearing
montigena Lewis & Short 1 1 mountain-born
mortigena Lewis & Short 0 0 the producer of death, death-giver
Musigena Lewis & Short 0 0 muse-born, son of a muse
Niligena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 7 7 born on the Nile, Egyptian
nubigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 28 28 cloud-born
nymphigena Lewis & Short 0 0 the Nymph-born
Opigena Lewis & Short 0 0 the midwife
paludigena Lewis & Short 1 1 adj. gen. comm.
Phoebigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 6 6 son of Phoebus
rurigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 a native of the country, countryman, rustic
sagena Lewis & Short 22 8 a large fishing-net
Saturnigena Lewis & Short 5 5 offspring of Saturn
serpentigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 1 1 serpent-born, sprung from a serpent
soligena Lewis & Short 2 2 a child of the Sun
spumigena Lewis & Short 1 1 foam-born
terrigena Lewis & Short, Elem. Lewis 110 110 born of the earth, sprung from earth, earth-born
Troiugena Elem. Lewis 0 0 son of Troy, descendant of Trojans, Trojan
Trojugena Lewis & Short 27 27 Troy-born
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