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βόσκω , impf. ἔβοσκον, Ep.
A.βόσκεIl.15.548: fut. “-ήσωOd.17.559, Ar.Ec.590: aor. “ἐβόσκησαGp.18.7: pf. “βεβόσκηκαPMag.6.13 (iii B. C.):—Pass. and Med. (v. infr. 11); Ion. impf. “βοσκέσκοντοOd.12.355: fut. βοσκήσομαι Sarap. in Plu.2.398d, Dor. “βοσκησεῦμαιTheoc. 5.103: aor. “ἐβοσκήθηνNic. Th.34, Babr.89.7.
I. prop. of herdsmen, feed, tend, “αἰπόλιαOd. 14.102; “ταὦςStratt.27; βόσκων the feeder, Arist.HA540a18.
II. Pass., of cattle, feed, graze, Od.21.49, etc.; “ξύλοχον κάταIl.5.162: c.acc., feed on, “ποίηνh.Merc.27,232, cf. A.Ag.118 (lyr.), Arist.HA591a16, al.; “τινίA.Th.244.
2. metaph., to be fed or nurtured, “ἰυγμοῖσιId.Ch.26 (lyr.); “κούφοις πνεύμασινS.Aj. 558; “ἐλπίσινE.Ba.617; β. τινί or περί τι run riot in a thing, AP 5.271 (Paul. Sil.), prob. in 285 (Id.). (g[uglide]ō, cf. Lith. guotas 'herd'.)
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