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ἐξα^νεμ-όω ,
A.blow out with wind, inflate:—Pass., to be inflated, Hp.Mul.1.34; to be impregnated by the wind, of mares, Arist.HA572a13, cf. Ael.NA4.6: metaph., “Ἥρα ἐξηνέμωσε τἄμ᾽ Ἀλεξάνδρῳ λέχηE.Hel.32:—Pass., ἐξηνεμώθην μωρίᾳ I was puffed up, Id.Andr.938, cf. Ph.1.698.
II. Pass., of corn, to be parched by wind, 'wind-bitten', Thphr.HP8.10.3.
2. of hair, float in the wind, Apollod.1.6.3.
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