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ἐπι-γνώμων , ονος, , ,
A.arbiter, umpire, judge, c.gen.rei, Pl.Lg.828b, LXX Pr.12.26, CIG(add.) 3641b27 (Lampsacus); “αἰτιῶνPlu.Cam.18; ὀσφρήσιος, of the nose, Hp.Ep.23; . τῆς τιμῆς appraiser, D.37.40: abs., Luc.Deor. Conc.15.
2.. in pl., inspectors, Lys.7.25 ap.Harp. (γνώμονας codd.).
II.. = συγγνώμων, pardoning, “τινίMosch.4.70.
III.. acquainted with, φύσεως, γυναικῶν, Ph.1.29, 2.274; “τέχνηςS.E.M.7.56.
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