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ἐπι_θύω ,
2.. c.inf., strive vehemently to do a thing, “ἐρύσσασθαι . . Τρῶες ἐπιθύουσιIl. 18.175; “θυμὸς ἐπιθύει κιθαρίζεινh.Merc.475; “δεδαῆσθαιA.R.2.1154; “κύσσαι . . στόμαId.1.1238:—Med., rush upon, flood, Νεῖλος ἐπεθύσατο (sic) αὔλακι γαίης BKT5(1).119. (Prob. a compound of ἰθύω [υ^], with υ_ metri gr.: taken as ἐπι^-θύω by Epic.Anon. l.c.)
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