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ἐπιμαρτύρομαι [υ_], to witness, appeal to, in case of a treaty, “θεούςX.Cyr.8.5.25, An.4.8.7, etc.; in case of history, Id.HG3.4.4: abs., Plb.24.11.8; also, call a person to appear as one's witness, Ar.Nu.495, V.1437, etc.; folld. by ὅτι . . , call bystanders to witness that . . , D.34.28.
2.. call on earnestly, conjure, Hdt.5.92.ή, Th.6.29.
3.. adduce as evidence, appeal to fact, “ὅτι . . Pl.Phdr.244b: c. acc. rei et inf., Plu.Luc.35.
II.. = ἐπιμαρτυρέω 1, PLille 3.8 (iii B.C.), etc.
2.. = ἐπιμαρτυρέω 11, Vett.Val.292.10.
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