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ἐπιμείγνυ_μι and ἐπιμα^χ-ύω ,
A.add by mixing, “μέθυος πολιοῦ ἐπιμείξαςNic. Th.582: metaph., “ἀθανάταν χάριν Θήβαις -μείξωνPi.Parth.2.5; κόλακι . . ἐπέμειξεν φύσις ἡδονήν τινα added a mixture of pleasure to . . , Pl.Phdr.240b; ἀγλαΐαισιν . λαόν make them acquainted with festal enjoyments, Pi.N.9.31; ἐμφύλιον αἷμα ἐπέμειξε θνατοῖς brought domestic murder among them, Id.P.2.32; . τισὶ χεῖρας to fight with them, Id.N.3.61.
II.. intr., mingle with others, have intercourse or dealings, “ἀδεῶςTh.1.2; “πρός τιναςX.An.3.5.16; “τισίHld.6.13; χωρίῳ . come to it, Id.5.33; “πολλῶν ἐπιμειγνύντων δεῦροPhilostr.VA 5.24:—Pass., “τοῦ ἠέρος -υμένου τῷ θερμῷHp.Morb.1.11; ἐπιμείγνυσθαιἀλλήλοις φιλικῶςX.Cyr.7.4.5; “παρ᾽ ἀλλήλουςTh.2.1: abs., Id.1.146; also . τισί join them, Plu.Aem.12; ταῖς πράξεσι minglein . . , Id.Flam.2; of sexual intercourse, “. ἀνδρίD.59.75, cf. Luc.Am.22, Artem.1.80. Cf. ἐπιμίσγω.
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