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ἰδι^ωτ-ικός , ή, όν,
A.of or for a private person, private, σῖτος καὶ ἑωυτοῦ καὶ . Hdt.1.21; “πύργοςId.4.164; opp. “δημόσιος, ἱεράSIG1015.9 (Halic.); opp. κοινός, οἰκίαι ib.987.5 (Chios, iv B.C.); opp. βασιλικός, Pl.Criti.117b, cf. Isoc.9.72; . σύγγραμμα, opp. πολιτικόν, Pl.Phdr.258d; . τριήρεις, opp. the Paralos, D.21.174; οἰωνὸς οὐκ ., i.e. indicating royalty, X.An.6.1.23; . τράπεζα private bank, PLond.3.1168.21 (i A.D.); δάνεια, opp. δημόσια, ib.932.8 (iii A.D.); “συμβόλαιαD.H.10.57; . λόγοι speeches in private suits, Id.Dem.56; καθαρὸς ἀπὸ δημοσίου . free from public or private encumbrance, BGU446.15 (ii A.D.); . κανών impost on private land, POxy.2124.10 (iv A.D.).
II. not done by rules of art, unprofessional, amateurish, Pl.Euthd.282d; φαῦλον καὶ . Id.Hp.Ma.287a, Ion532e; “λέξιςS.E.M.1.234; “λήμματαGal. 5.213; of language, commonplace, everyday, “τὸ .Arist.Po.1458a21, 32, cf. D.L.10.13 (Sup.); but also, vulgar, Phld.Po.2.71, Longin. 43.1. Adv., “μὴ φαύλως μηδὲ -κῶςPl.Lg.966e; “. καὶ γελοίωςId.Euthd.278d; “. ἔχεινId.Cra.394a; . τὸ σῶμα ἔχειν, i.e. to neglect gymnastic exercises, Id.Lg.839e, X.Mem.3.12.1; also, in a special way, Phld.D.3.8.
III. of persons, unprofessional, Apollon.Cit. 3.
IV. ἄρτοι . common bread, UPZ94.17 (ii B.C.).
V. . βίος cloistered life, Marcellin.Puls.138.
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