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λιχμ-άω , fut. Med. -ήσομαι ἀνα-) J.AJ8.15.4: aor. ἐλιχμησάμην ap.D.L.8.91:— with the tongue, of snakes, in Ep. part., “αἰνὸν λιχμώωντεςQ.S.5.40: in irreg. pf. part., “γλώσσῃσι λελιχμότεςHes.Th.826:—Med., ἑκατὸν . . κεφαλαὶ κολάκων . . ἐλιχμῶντο περὶ τὴν κεφαλήν played like serpents round . . , Ar.V.1033, Pax756 (ἐλιχνῶντο v.l. in Sch., Hsch.), cf. Theoc.24.20, Euph.51.6.
2. trans., lick, “ὄφεσι . . λιχμῶσιν γένυνE.Ba.698:—Med., D.L. l. c., App.Hisp.96, Mith.38.
II. Med., also, lick up, “λιχμώμενος ἔρσηνNic.Al.569; used by Hom. only in the compd. ἀπολιχμάομαι.
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