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μάρνα^μαι ,
2. of boxers, Od.18.31.
3. quarrel, wrangle, Il.1.257.
4. contend, strive, Pi.P.2.65; ἀμφ᾽ ἀρεταῖσι, ἐσλοῖσι πέρι, Id.O.5.15, N.5.47; κασιγνήτου πέρι ib.10.86; μ. φυᾷ strive with all one's natural powers, ib.1.25.—Ep. and Lyr. Verb, used also by E.; cf. βάρναμαι. (Cf. Skt. mṛṇā´ti 'crush'.)
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