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μέτοχος , ον,
A.sharing in, partaking of, c. gen., [“τῆς συμφορῆς] τὸ πλεῦν μέτοχοςHdt.3.52; μ. ἐλπίδων, τέχνης, E.Ion698 (lyr.), Pl.Phdr. 262d; τοῦ βίου, of a wife, Diod.Com.3.5; “δίκηςArist.Mu.401b29.
II. Subst., partner, accomplice in, “τοῦ φόνουE.HF721, Antipho 3.3.11: abs., Th.8.92; partner in business, PHib.1.109.3 (iii B. C.), PCair.Zen.176.102 (iii B. C.), Ostr.Bodl.i92, 251 (ii B. C.), Ev.Luc.5.7, etc.
2. member of a board of officials, freq. in phrase δεῖνα καὶ μέτοχοι πράκτορες, ἐπιτηρηταί, ἀγορανόμοι, τραπεζῖται, etc., PFlor.358.5 (ii A. D.), PSI2.160.4 (ii A. D.), PStrassb.52.17 (ii A. D.), POxy.96.4 (ii A. D.), etc.
3. joint owner of a house, CPHerm.119 Aiv 20 (iii A. D.).
III. θεῶν μέτοχοι, of the demigods, Arist.Fr. 640.20, cf. IG14.2117 (Rome).
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