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μετριό-της , ητος, ,
A.moderation, Th.1.38, Pl.R.560d, Philyll.7, Plb.1.88.3; “μ. τέρψιοςDemocr.191; “ τῆς φωνῆς μ.Isoc.15.296; “ τοῦ βίου μ.Aeschin.3.218, cf. Arist.Pol.1315b2 (pl.); μ. τῶν σίτων (leg. συσσίτων) moderation in (of) . . , X.Cyr.5.2.17; μ. περί τι, ἔν τινι, Pl.Def.411e, 412b: pl., middle course, Isoc.2.33, 4.11.
2. the right amount or degree of anything, Hp.Off.3, Fract.5: pl., Liq. 1.
II. middle condition, modest circumstances or ability, POxy. 1121.10 (iii A.D.), PMasp.305.11 (vi A.D.), etc.
III. graceful proportions, elegance, Arist.Pol.1309b27, Aesop.204b.
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