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μίσθ-ωμα , ατος, τό,
A.price agreed on in hiring, contract-price, Hdt.2.180, etc.: pl., IG12.347.43, al. (v B.C.), 22.334.28 (iv B.C.); a courtesan's price, Machoap.Ath.13.581a; “τῶν ἀκροαμάτων τὰ μ.Phylarch.66 J.; “τὰ παρά τινος μ.Alciphr.1.37.
2. contract, μισθοῦσι μισθώματα farm out contracts, Arist.Ath.47.2, cf. D.19.125; ἀπὸ μισθωμάτων θύειν by contract, Isoc.7.29 (but expld. as from the proceeds of rents by Did. ap. Harp.).
3. rent, IG12(7).55.15 (Amorgos, iv/iii B.C.), Tab.Heracl.1.128.
II. that which is let for hire, hired house, Act.Ap.28.30.
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