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μισθοφορ-έω ,
A.receive wages or pay, esp. in the public service, serve for hire, Ar.Av.584, V.683, X.Oec.1.4, etc.; “δημοτικὸν τὸ μισθοφορεῖν πάνταςArist.Pol.1317b35; “παρά τινοςLuc.Apol.11: c. acc. rei, receive as pay, “τρεῖς δραχμάςAr.Ach.602; “τὰ δημόσια μ. χρήματαId.Ec.206; “μ. ἄλφιταId.Pax477; μ. τὰ τούτων receive pay from their purse, Lys.27.11.
b. freq. of mercenary soldiers, IG12.99.22, Ar. Av.1367, etc.; “μ. τισίX.Cyr.8.8.20; παρά τινι ib.3.2.25, D.23.149; μ. ἐν τοῖς ἀδυνάτοις, as if he were a pauper, Aeschin.1.103; μ. ἐν τῷ ξενικῷ κεναῖς χώραις, i.e. to draw pay without filling up the vacancies, Id.3.146.
II. causal, engage for pay, take into service, “στρατιὰν ἐπί τιναPhalar.Ep.186.2.
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