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ὁρμ-ητικός , ή, όν,
A.impetuous, impulsive,. [δύναμις]appetite, Ti.Locr.102e ; . πρός τι eager for a thing, Arist. Pr.869b13 : Sup., Id.HA573a27: abs., Thphr.HP9.18.10 (Comp.); “-κὸν [κίνημα]Plu.2.1122c ; “-κώτερον τὸ σχῆμα τοῦ πυκτεύοντοςmore adapted for attack, Philostr.Gym.34. Adv. “-κῶς, ἔχεινAth.9.401c; . ἔχειν πρός τι to be eager for a thing, Arist.HA572a8, Diocl.Fr. 141, Sor.1.38 : Comp. “-κώτερονArist.HA597a29.
II. exciting, stimulating, Demetr.Ix. ap. Ath.3.74b ; “φαντασία -κήcreating appetition, Stoic.3.40.
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