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θρεπ-τήριος , ον,
A.feeding, nourishing, “μαστόςA.Ch.545.
II. πλόκαμος Ἰνάχῳ θ. hair dedicated as a thank-offering to Inachus, ib. 6.
III. Subst. θρεπτήριον, τό,= θρεπτάριον, PLond.5.1708.248 (vi A.D.).
2. pl., θρεπτήρια, τά, reward for rearing, made to nurses by parents, h.Cer.168,223; also, return made by children for their rearing (Att. τροφεῖα), Hes.Op.188, Ael.VH2.7.
b. nourishment, τὰ . . νηδύος θ. S.OC1263.
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