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σύμφων-ος , ον,
A.agreeing in sound, harmonious, Ar.Av.221 (anap.), 659 (anap.); “Χορδαίh.Merc. 51; “μέλοςS.Ichn.319; echoing to cries, Id.OT421; of a musical accompanist, AP9.584.
2. as musical term, in concord or unison with, Pl.Ti.80a, Lg.812d; “ς. φθόγγοιThphr.Fr.89.7; distd. from ἀντίφωνος and ὁμόφωνος, Arist.Pr.918b30, 921a7; distd. (as epith. of fifths, fourths, etc.) from ὁμόφωνος (of octaves, double octaves, etc.) and ἐμμελής (of smaller intervals), Ptol.Harm.1.7; τὸ ς., = συμφωνία, Pl.Phlb.56a.
3. τὰ ς. consonants, D.T.631.12, A.D. Pron.11.2, al., Heph.1.1, etc.
4. having the same speech, Philostr. VA5.36.
II. metaph., harmonious, in harmony or proportion, “τίνες ς. ἀριθμοί, καὶ τίνες οὔPl.R.531c; “ς. φοραίArist. de An.406b31; “ βίος ς. τοῖς λόγοις πρὸς τὰ ἔργαPl.La.188d; of a person, “ς. ἑαυτὸν κατασκευάσαι κατὰ τὸν βίονPlb.31.25.8; τὸ ς. harmonious order, Arist.Mu.396b8.
2. harmonious, agreeing, friendly, “ἡσυχίαPi.P.1.70; “δεξιώματαS.OC619; ς. τινί in harmony or agreement with, “ς. αὐτὰ αὑτοῖςPl.R.380c; “σύμφωνα οἷς ἔλεγεςId.Grg.457e; “ς. τῷ ὀνόματιId.Cra.395e, cf. 436c, Gal.16.790 (Comp.); “ἡδοναὶ . . ς. τοῖς ὀρθοῖς λόγοιςPl.Lg.696c, cf. Thphr.CP6.11.14; esp. concordant, of theory with observed fact, Id.Ign.61; “ς. τοῖς φαινομένοιςEpicur. Ep.2p.52U.,Nat.11.10 (Comp.), al. (and so Adv., -νως τοῖς φ. Id.Ep.2p.36U.); rarely with πρός, as πρὸς ἀρετήν, Pl.Ep.332d; “σταθμοῖς καὶ μέτροις συμφώνοις ποτὶ τὰ δαμόσιαIG5(1).1390.100 (Andania, i B.C.): c. gen., “ὅσα τοῦ γένους ἐστὶ τούτου σύμφωναPl.Phlb.11b; ἐγένετο πᾶσι σύμφωνον περί τινος they were agreed, Plb.23.4.8; ς. ἐστί τινι πρός τινα Id.6.36.5: rarely of persons, “ς. γενέσθαι περι τινωνId.18.9.5; “ς. εἶναί τισιId.30.8.7; of planets, in harmony, Vett. Val.37.25. Adv. “-νωςPl.Epin.974c, D.S.15.18, Herod.Med. in Rh.Mus.49.555, 58.86; τινι D.S.1.98, cf. LXX 4 Ma.14.6; “ς. ἔχειν τινίPtol.Geog.1.17.2.
3. Pass., agreed upon, “ς. ὅροιD.S.5.6; “σύμφωνον καὶ ὁμόλογον ταῖς πόλεσιν ὑπὲρ τῆς πανηγύρεωςOGI444.1 (Ilium, i B.C.); “ἐκ συμφώνουBGU917.8 (iv A.D.), Cod.Just.8.10.12; “κατὰ τὸ γεγονὸς σύμφωνον πρὸς ΔιογένηνTAM2.119 (Lycia).
III. σύμφωνος, , = συμφωνιακή 11, Aret.CD2.5; name of a cough-mixture used by Antonius Musa, Gal.13.61.
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