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συνάλλ-αγμα , ατος, τό,
A.covenant, contract, D.24.213, Arist.Rh.1354b25, PEleph.1.14 (iv B.C.), PEnteux 55.6 (iii B.C.), etc.; “ς. ποιεῖσθαιD.30.21; “διαλύεινD.H.6.22; commitments, “διὰ -μάτων ἀνάγκηνAen.Tact.5.1.
2. generally, in pl., dealings, transactions, Archyt.3, Hp.Medic.1; ἑκούσια ς., i.e. sales, loans, etc., distd. from ἀκούσια ς., i.e. crimes of force or fraud, Arist.EN1131a2, cf. Rh.1376b12; βίαια ς. LXX Is.58.6; “ς. καὶ ἐγκλήματαOGI229.54 (Smyrna, iii B.C.).
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