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συγγρα^φ-ικός , ή, όν,
A.given to writing, esp. prose works, ποιητικὸς ξ. Luc.Merc.Cond.35, cf. Jul. Or.7.205b; of or in prose composition, “δεινότηςLuc.Pisc.23; “ἀρετὴ καὶ κακίαId.Hist.Conscr.42; -ώτερον εἶδος more suited to prose, Men.Rh. p.411 S. Adv., -κῶς ἐρεῖν speak like a book, i.e. with great precision, Pl.Phd.102d; opp. ὑπομνηματικῶς, Gal.18(1).529.
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