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συγκαθαιρέω , Ion. συγκατ- ,
A.put down together, join in putting down, “τὸν βάρβαρονTh.1.132; “τὴν ἐκείνων δύναμινId.6.6; “τοὺς κρατοῦνταςId.8.46.
2. take down with others, ἐκείνην τοῖς ὑπηρέταις συγκαθεῖλε with their help took down her body, Plu.Agis 20; σορτίον ς. help to take it off, opp. συνανατιθέναι, Pythag. ap. Porph.VP 42, cf. D.L.8.17.
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