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χασμ-άομαι ,
A.yawn, gape, ὁπόταν χασμᾷ when you are gaping, Ar.Eq.824 (anap.), cf. Hp.Mochl.4, Arist.GA719a19, Porph.Abst.1.28, etc.; “οἱ τοὺς χασμωμένους ὁρῶντεςPl.Chrm.169c; “ἰλιγγιᾶν καὶ χ.Id.Grg.486b, 527a; of a door, “τῆς θύρας χασμωμένηςAlex.257.
II. οἱ χασμώμενοι, = οἱ κεχηνότες, gabies, Porph.Chr.49.
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