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χυ^δαῖος , ον, (χέω)
A.poured out in streams, abundant, LXX Ex.1.7; στέφανοι, i.e. χύδην πεπλεγμένοι, Ath.15.686a. Adv. “-ωςpell-mell, Herm. ap. Stob.1.49.68.
II. common, ordinary,φοίνικεςDsc.5.31, cf. Plin.HN13.46; “λίθοςPlu.2.85f; “ἔλαιονHippiatr.69.
b. of persons, “χ. πλῆθοςStr.1.2.8; “ χ.Porph.Abst.4.18; “οἱ χ.Str.3.1.5, Ph.Bybl. 5, Porph.Chr.63; opp. οἱ σοφοί, Phld.Po.5.23, cf. Rh.2.157S., al.: Comp. οἱ χυδαιότεροι (misspelt χυδεώτεροι) Sch.E.Hipp.948.
2. metaph., common, vulgar, coarse,λαλιάPlb.14.7.8; “χυδαῖα καὶ φαῦλαPhld.Mus.p.95K.
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