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καταδικάζω 1 2 3 give judgment against a person, pass sentence upon him, condemn him, opp. to ἀποδικάζω, c. gen. pers. et acc. rei, κ. τινὸς θάνατον to pass sentence of death upon him, Hdt.; c. inf., κ. τινὸς τὰ ἔσχατα παθεῖν to condemn him to suffer extreme penalties, Xen.:—Mid. to get sentence given against one, δίκην καταδικάζεσθαί τινος Thuc.:—Pass., καταδικασθείς condemned, Plat.; c. inf., καταδικάζεται ἀποθανεῖν Luc.; of the sentence, ἀντέλεγον μὴ δικαίως σφῶν καταδεδικάσθαι they contended that judgment had been given against them unjustly, Thuc. declare by express judgment, Xen.

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