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1 Hyperides is referring to the period which followed Chaeronea, and the statesman in question is Lycurgus. Demosthenes also speaks of the number of trials which took place at this time (Dem. 18.249). Hyperides himself was prosecuted by Aristogiton. Compare Hyp. Fr. 18 and note.
2 The sense of the mutilated passage beginning with the words καὶ γράψαι has been restored by Blass and Colin as follows: “Although you, Demosthenes, dared to propose the death penalty for yourself if the council reported that you had received anything from Harpalus, when it made its report and you were ipso facto convicted by the terms of the decree, these gentlemen did not take account of the circumstance but allowed you a special trial. For the people have always behaved in such a way towards us orators, etc.”
3 The sense appears to be: “You oppose the people and forget that there are men who wish to serve their own country instead of other people's. You have continued to be disloyal and to display your eloquence.”
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