
The Ninth "On to Richmond."

The Federalists are essaying their ninth "on to Richmond." They have had three by the way of the Piedmont, viz: One under McDowell, the first Manassas; one under McClellan, when he captured the wooden guns at Manassas, and fled back to Washington affrighted at the mysterious disappearance of the Confederates under Johnston, who he apprehended might as mysteriously appear again and catch him floundering in the mud; and use (last of the three) under Pope. They have had two by way of the Peninsula — the first under the Beast, and the second under McClellan. One via the river, cut short at Drewry's Bluff, and two via Fredericksburg, the first under Burnside and the second under Hooker, the Northern Bombastes. So here are eight "one to Richmond." Now General Keyes proposes the Ninth, and our citizens are entertained by the daily rumors and dispatches by couriers, announcing the whereabouts and doings of the body or bodies of Yankees whom it is designed to sacrifice or subject to the terrors of the oft-repeated disastrous repulses. There is no rational mode of accounting for these continued and hopeless attempts upon this city. Man is after all not a reasoning animal. He absolutely finds a charm in attempting hopeless enterprises. There could be nothing more desperate and impracticable than an attempt to beat that formidable and invincible power known as the "tiger." Yet thousands of men rush impetuously every night in the year into his very jaws — which are the laws of death. There is neither reason nor sense in this, but a fascination in defeat, is disaster, in the unmitigated fate of being torn in pieces and chewed up that is irresistible! This seeming fatality seems to impel the Yankees towards Richmond. There is no other way of accounting for it.

In the present instance, however, there is, besides the irresistible fascination of the On to Richmond, a trace of "method." The desire to occasion a diversion in General Lee's campaign is an incident of the Yankee commander's programme. In this he will be disappointed. He must play out his game of "On to Richmond," and be content with the fate of his illustrious predecessors. Gen. Lee will not after his plans a jot or tittle.

The feeling in this city is as it always has been — calm and determined. The citizens of Richmond have been too long familiar with the threatening demonstrations of the Yankees to be alarmed at them. They had rather any day see their city in ashes than in the possession of the Yankees; but they do not believe that it ever will be in their hands. It has been defended eight times by the Confederate army, to which Richmond has furnished her full quota, and if there were not troops enough to meet the ninth assault there are non- conscripts enough to take the field and aid them in again driving away the hordes that seek to gratify their fiendish malignity by the pillaging of this city and the persecution of her citizens. No community ever displayed a more loyal or determined spirit. They rely implicitly upon the indomitable courage of the Confederate troops, and, if need be, are ready to enter the breach with them and bull back the ruthless invader from their walls.

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