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Leader of the Chorus
An insult directed at the wicked is not to be censured; [1275] on the contrary, the honest man, if he has sense, can only applaud. Him, whom I wish to brand with infamy, is little known himself; [1280] he's the brother of Arignotus. I regret to quote this name which is so dear to me, but whoever can distinguish black from white, or the Orthian mode of music from others, knows the virtues of Arignotus, whom his brother, Ariphrades, in no way resembles. He gloats in vice, is not merely a dissolute man and utterly debauched —but he has actually invented a new form of vice; for he pollutes his tongue with abominable pleasures [1285] in brothels, befouling all of his body. Whoever is not horrified at such a monster shall never drink from the same cup with me.

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