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AT this time there were great disturbances in the country, and that
in many places; and the opportunity that now offered itself induced a great
many to set up for kings. And indeed in Idumea two thousand of Herod's
veteran soldiers got together, and armed and fought against those of the
king's party; against whom Achiabus, the king's first cousin, fought, and
that out of some of the places that were the most strongly fortified; but
so as to avoid a direct conflict with them in the plains. In Sepphoris
also, a city of Galilee, there was one Judas (the son of that arch-robber
Hezekias, who formerly overran the country, and had been subdued by king
Herod); this man got no small multitude together, and brake open the place
where the royal armor was laid up, and armed those about him, and attacked
those that were so earnest to gain the dominion.
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