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600Lichas, while you were speaking with the maidens
inside, I have been making ready for you
a long robe to take back to Heracles -
a gift for him which my own hands have woven.
Give it to him and tell him to allow
no other man to put it on before him.
He must not let the sunlight or the fire
beside the altar or the hearth shine on it
until he stands forth visible to all,
610showing it to the gods while bulls are slaughtered.
This was my vow: that if I ever saw
or heard that he was coming, I would dress him
properly in this robe, and so present
a new man sacrificing in new garments.
Take him the seal stamped on this signet ring
as token - he will quickly recognize it.
Now go. Remember, first of all, the law
that messengers must not exceed their calling;
and then conduct yourself in such a way
that you may win my thanks as well as his.

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