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1045unless some god had spurred you on your way.
O fatherland of mine, O gods who watch me,
avenge, avenge, however late, my wrongs
on all these men, if you have pity for me.
I live most piteously, but if I saw
1050them perish, I would think my illness cured.

This stranger's words are strong, and strongly spoken,
Odysseus: he will not submit to hardships.

If I had time I could reply to him
at leisure; now I will say one thing only:
1055where any man is needed, I am there.
If you will speak of just and noble men,
you will find none more reverent than I.
By nature I want victory everywhere
except from you, to whom I freely yield.
1060Release him; do not touch him any longer;
Chorus members release Philoctetes.
let him remain. We have no need of you
now that we have your bow, for Teucer lives
among us still, and knows his craft, and I
believe that I myself can handle it
1065no worse than you, and aim it just as well.
What need for you? Take pleasure in your island,
for we must go. Perhaps this prize will bring
to me the honor which you might have had.

What shall I do in my unhappiness?
1070Will you display my weapon to the Greeks?

Talk to me now no longer - I am going.

Seed of Achilles, will you not address me
now, but depart from me without a word?

Come with me - do not look at him - for you
1075are noble, and you may yet spoil our fortunes.

Strangers, will you too leave me here alone,
and not have pity on my solitude?

This boy is our commander, and whatever
he says to you, we must agree with him.

1080 He will say that my nature is too full

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hide References (3 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (2):
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Antigone, 1162
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Electra, 610
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (1):
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