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Leader of the Chorus
Why do we delay to let loose that fury, that is so terrible, when our nests are attacked?

[405] I feel my angry sting is stiffening, that sharp sting, with which we punish our enemies.

Come, children, cast your cloaks to the winds, run, shout, tell Cleon what is happening,

[410] that he may march against this foe of our city, who deserves death, since he proposes to prevent the trial of lawsuits.

The Boys run off, taking the Chorus' mantles with them.

rushing out of the house with the two slaves and seizing his father
[415] Friends, listen to the truth, instead of bawling.

Leader of the Chorus
By Zeus! we will shout to heaven.

And I shall not let him go.

Leader of the Chorus
Why, this is intolerable, 'tis manifest tyranny.

Oh! citizens, oh! Theorus, the enemy of the gods! and all you flatterers, who rule us! come to our aid.

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