
I am delighted with your songs, I applaud your verses. Now celebrate [1745] the thunder that shakes the earth, the flaming lightning of Zeus and the terrible flashing thunderbolt.

Oh, thou golden flash of the lightning! oh, ye divine shafts of flame, that Zeus has hitherto shot forth! [1750] Oh, ye rolling thunders, that bring down the rain! 'Tis by the order of our king that ye shall now stagger the earth! Oh, Hymen! 'tis through thee that he commands the universe and that he makes Basileia, whom he has robbed from Zeus, take her seat at his side. Oh! Hymen! oh! Hymenaeus!

[1755] Let all the winged tribes of our fellow-citizens follow the bridal couple to the palace of Zeus and to the nuptial couch! Stretch forth your [1760] hands, my dear wife! Take hold of me by my wings and let us dance; I am going to lift you up and carry you through the air.

Pisthetaerus and Basileia leave dancing; the Chorus follows them.

Alalalai ie Paian! Tenella kallinikos! [1765] Loftiest art thou of gods!

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