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coast (2 old edd. “cost,” which some take to be the verb ‘cost’=cause the loss of)
1. to go a roundabout way, travel circuitously Err. I. i. 134 “And, c-ing homeward, came to Ephesus,” H8 III. ii. 38 “how he c-s And hedges his own way” ; to make progress against obstacles Ven. 870 “all in haste she coasteth to the cry.”
2. to assail, attack 3H6 I. i. 268 “Whose haughty spirit . . . Will coast my crown.”
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (2):
    • William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, 1.1
    • William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis, ven
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