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confound (sense ‘destroy, ruin’ is the most freq.)
1. to waste, consume, spend 1H4 I. iii. 100 “He did the best part of an hour,” H5 III. i. 13 “As doth a galled rock O'erhang and jutty his c-ed base,” Cor. I. vi. 17, Ant. I. i. 45, I. iv. 28, Per. V. ii. 14 [279], Sonn. viii. 7.
2. to mingle indistinguishably Err. I. ii. 38, R2 IV. i. 141.
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (9):
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 1.1
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 1.4
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 1.6
    • William Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 5.2
    • William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, 1.2
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry IV, 1.3
    • William Shakespeare, Henry V, 3.1
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 4.1
    • William Shakespeare, Sonnets, viii
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