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flatter vb.1:
1. to try to please by obsequious speech or conduct AYL. IV. i. 194 “that f-ing tongue of yours,” R2 II. i. 87 “I mock my name, great king, to thee” ; also intr. “ with” R2 II. i. 88 “Should dying men with those that live?.”
2. to gratify the vanity or self-esteem of Cæs. II. i. 208 “when I tell him he hates f-ers, He says he does, being then most flattered.”
3. to encourage with hopeful or pleasing representations Shr. Ind. i. 44 “a f-ing dream,” 2H4 I. iii. 29 “F-ing himself with” (Q “in) project of a power Much smaller than the smallest of his thoughts,” Ven. 989 “hope . . . doth thee in thoughts unlikely” ; also intr. “ with” Gent. IV. iv. 195 “Unless I with myself too much,” Tw.N. I. v. 324 “not to with his lord, Nor hold him up with hopes.”
4. to please with the belief or suggestion “that” Ven. 978.
5. to represent too favourably Gent. IV. iv. 194 “the painter f-'d her a little,” John II. i. 503 “Drawn in the flattering table of her eye.”
6. “flatter up,” pamper, coddle LLL. V. ii. 822.
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (6):
    • William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, 4.4
    • William Shakespeare, King John, 2.1
    • William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 4.1
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 2.1
    • William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Or what you will, 1.5
    • William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis, ven
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