Peep, vb. (cf. By-peep) 1) intr. a) to look as through a crevice, or by stealth: “under whose brim the gaudy sun would p.” Ven. 1088. who (her eyes) “--ing forth this tumult to behold,” Lucr. 447. (the stars) “through night's black bosom should not p. again,” Lucr. 447 why pry'st thou through my window? leave thy --ing, 1089; cf. Sonn. 24, 12. “nymphs back --ing fearfully,” Pilgr. 287. p. through their eyes (half closed in risibility) Merch. I, 1, 52. “he had made two holes in the alewife's new petticoat and so --ed through,” H4B II, 2, 89. “through a rusty beaver --s,” H5 IV, 2, 44. “durst not p. out,” H6B IV, 10, 4. Cor. IV, 6, 46. “nor heaven p. through the blanket of the dark,” Mcb. I, 5, 54.
Sometimes == to look, with a tinge of contempt: “when thou wakest, with thine own fool's eyes p.” Mids. IV, 1, 89. “and p. about to find ourselves dishonourable graves,” Caes. I, 2, 137. “treason can but p. to what it would, acts little of his will,” Hml. IV, 5, 124. “p. through thy marble mansion,” Cymb. V, 4, 87.
b) to be or become visible, to appear: through “crystal walls each little mote will p.” Lucr. 1251. “some beauty --ed through lattice of seared age,” Compl. 14. “pack night, p. day,” Pilgr. 209. “an oak whose antique root --s out upon the brook,” As II, 1, 31. “the true blood which --eth fairly through it,” Wint. IV, 4, 148. “where thou darest not p.” H6B II, 1, 42. “I can see his pride p. through each part of him,” H8 I, 1, 69. “from this league --ed harms that menaced him,” H8 I, 1, 69 “forth at your eyes your spirits wildly p.” Hml. III, 4, 119. “no vessel can p. forth but 'tis ta'en,” Ant. I, 4, 53. “I'll force the wine p. through their scars,” III, 13, 191.
2) tr. to make visible, to let appear: “all his behaviours did make their retire to the court of his eye, --ing thorough desire,” LLL II, 235. which (an office done) “gratitude through flinty Tartar's bosom would p. forth,” All's IV, 4, 7. “there is not a dangerous action can p. out his head but I am thrust upon it,” H4B I, 2, 238.