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Σι_θωνία , Ion. -ιη,
A.Sithonia, land of the Sithones, a part of Thrace, Hdt.7.122: Σι_θώνιος , α, ον, Sithonian, St.Byz.; Σι_θών , όνος and ῶνος, , a Thracian, Lyc.1357,583; Σι_θωνίς , ίδος, , a Thracian woman, Nonn.D.13.336. [Some forms in ο are used by Poets, Σι_θονίη Euph.58, Σι_θονίς Nonn.D.48.113.]
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    • Herodotus, Histories, 7.122
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