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ἀγλευκής , ές, (γλεῦκος)
A.not sweet, sour, X.Hier.1.21 (Comp.), cf. Rhinth.28; opp. γλυκύς, Arist.Pr.877b25; “οἶνοςLuc.Lex.6; heterocl. acc. “ἀγλευκήν, θάλασσανNic.Al.171: metaph., of persons, sour, crabbed, Epich.140; of the style of Thuc., harsh, Hermog.Id.2.12, cf. [Longin.]Rh.p.195 H.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Xenophon, Hiero, 1.21
    • Lucian, Lexiphanes, 6
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