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ἀμετά-βλητος , ον, hyperdor.
A.-ατοςPhilol.21, unchangeable, κόσμος l.c., cf. Arist.Metaph.1019a27; “ἄτομα καὶ .Epicur.Ep.1p.7U.; “. εἰς ἄλλαTi.Locr.98c.
2. unchanged, J.AJ 15.7.5; “τὸ ἀμετάβλητονPlu.2.1011a: Gramm., not inflected, A.D. Synt.322.26; of food, not transformed by digestion, Gal.6.575, cf. Thphr.CP6.10.2. Adv. “-τωςIamb.Protr. 21.κς´, Hierocl. in CA 1p.420M.; and ἀμετα-τί , gloss on ἀσπερχές, Sch.Il.16.61.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Homer, Iliad, 16.61
    • Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 15.7.5
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