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ἀντίπαις , αιδος, , , a child,γραῦςA.Eu.38; little more than a child,θυγατρὸς ἀντίπαιδοςE.Andr.326; “ἡλικίαLuc.Am.2.
II. instead of a boy, i.e. no longer e boy, S.Fr.564(s.v.l.).
2. Subst., a mere boy, Plb.15.33.12, 27.15.4, D.H.4.3, Plu.Aem.22, Luc.Somn. 16, Ant.Lib.13.5.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (8):
    • Aeschylus, Eumenides, 38
    • Euripides, Andromache, 326
    • Sophocles, Ichneutae, 564
    • Polybius, Histories, 15.33.12
    • Polybius, Histories, 27.15.4
    • Plutarch, Aemilius Paullus, 22
    • Lucian, Somnium sive vita Luciani, 16
    • Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, 4.3
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