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ἀντιπαρα-βάλλω , side by side so as to compare or contrast,τι πρός τιPl.Ap.41b; “λόγον παρὰ λόγονHp.Mi.369c, cf. Isoc.5.142; “τί τινιArist.Fr.91; “βίον τινὸς καί τινοςPlu.TG1:—Pass., c. dat., measure oneself against, rival, App.BC2.15.
II. contribute instead, X.Lac.5.3.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (5):
    • Isocrates, To Philip, 142
    • Plato, Apology, 41b
    • Plato, Lesser Hippias, 369c
    • Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaimonians, 5.3
    • Appian, Civil Wars, 2.15
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