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ἔκφρων , ον, gen. ονος, (φρήν)
A.out of one's mind, beside oneself, Hp. Mul.2.117, Luc.Nigr.38, Plot.2.9.8; senseless, stupid, D.19.267; also, frenzied, enthusiastic, of poets, Pl.Ion534b; of Bacchantes, Luc. Bacch.1, AP6.220.2 (Diosc.), cf. Pl.Lg.790e.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Demosthenes, On the False Embassy, 267
    • Plato, Laws, 790e
    • Plato, Ion, 534b
    • Lucian, Bacchus, 1
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