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ἐπιμήνι-ος , ον,
A.monthly, χρεῶν -ίων τόκοι Hondius Novae Inscriptiones Atticae91; holding office for a month, πολέμαρχος, προμνήμων, at Chios, SIG402.1, 443.1,2 (iii B.C.); ἐπιμήνιοι, οἱ, monthly officers, ib.58.5 (Milet., v B.C.), OGI229.30(Smyrna, iii B.C.): sg., IG12(2).645b38 (Nesos); . τῶνταμιῶνSIG426.27 (Bargylia, iii B.C.).
2.. priests who offered the ἐπιμήνια, Hsch.; “ἐπιμηνίους . . οἵτινες ἐχθυσεῦνται τὰ ἱερὰ μετὰ τοῦ ἱερέωςSIG1106.63 (Cos), cf. 1044.24 (Halic.), Test.Epict.2.33.
1.. (sc. ἱερά) monthly offerings, Hdt.8.41, Inscr. ap. Ath. 6.234e.
2.. provisions, monthly ration, POxy.531.17 (ii A.D.), etc.; also “. ὀψώνιαPLond.2.190.16 (iii A.D.); “ . σῖτοςPlu.Flam.5; λόγος . the monthly account, SIG578.54 (Teos, ii B.C.).
b.. simply, provisions, for a ship, Plb.31.12.13, Sor.1.19.
3.. monthly courses of women, Hp.Nat.Mul.13, Sor.1.19 (sg.); ἐπιμήνιον (sc. αἷμα), τό, Dsc.2.79; “κάθαρσις ἐπιμηνίωνAret.SA1.9.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Herodotus, Histories, 8.41
    • Polybius, Histories, 31.12.13
    • Aretaeus, De causis et signis acutorum morborum (lib. 1), 1.9
    • Plutarch, Titus Flamininus, 5
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