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ἱππο-μα^νής , ές,
A.abounding in, swarming with horses (cf. καρπο-, ὑλο-, φυλλο-μανής)“, λειμώνS.Aj.143 (anap.); variously expld. by Sch.
II. as Subst., ἱππομανές, έος, τό, an Arcadian plant, thorn-apple, Datura stramonium, of which horses are madly fond, or which makes them mad, Theoc.2.48; f.l. for -φαές in Thphr.HP9.15.6.
b. = κάππαρις, Dsc.2.173; = ἀπόκυνον, Ps.-Dsc.4.80.
2. small black fleshy substance on the forehead of a new-born foal, which, if procured before it was eaten off by the dam, was held to be a powerful φίλτρον, Arist.HA577a9, 605a2, Thphr.Fr.175, Ael.NA3.17, 14.18.
3. mucous humour that runs from mares a-horsing, used for like purposes, Arist.HA572a21, Paus.5.27.3.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (4):
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 5.27.3
    • Sophocles, Ajax, 143
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 14.18
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 3.17
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