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κατηφ-ής , ές,
A.with downcast eyes, downcast, “κατηφέες ἐσσόμεθ᾽ αἰείOd.24.432, cf. Cic. Att.13.42.1; “τὸν μὲν κατηφῆE.Or.881; “κ. ὄμμαId.Heracl.633 (but κ. ὀφθαλμοί sunken eyes, Hp.Epid.7.25); “κ. καὶ ὑπεραύστηροςPOxy. 471.92 (ii A.D.); of animals, “αἱ ἵπποι ὅταν ἀποκείρωνται, γίνονται κατηφέστεραιArist.HA572b9; “τὸ κ.Id.Phgn.808a10, cf.807b12: metaph., κ. ἄμπελος drooping in sorrow, Him.Or.9.4.
2. metaph., dim, obscure, “νύξAP9.658 (Paul. Sil.); “χωρίονPoll.5.110; of colour, “κ. λίθος καὶ μέλαςPhilostr.VS2.1.8, cf. Him.Ecl.12.7.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (5):
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13.42.1
    • Euripides, Heraclidae, 633
    • Euripides, Orestes, 881
    • Homer, Odyssey, 24.432
    • Philostratus the Athenian, Lives of the Sophists, 2.1.8
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