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ψύλλα , ης, ,
A.flea, Ar.Nu.145, al., X.Smp.6.8, Arist.HA556b22, etc.; also ψύλλος , , Epich.199, Arist.HA537a6 (v.l. ψύλας), rejected by Phryn.308 in favour of ψύλλα; also ψύλλαξ , , Hsch.
II. a venomous spider, perhaps Lathrodectes or malmignatte, Arist.HA 622b31.
2. an insect attaching ῥαφανίς and ἐρέβινθος, Thphr. HP7.5.4, 8.10.1.
3. = πιθήκη, ὑπόδρομος Ael.NA6.26. (Lith. blusà, OSlav. bl[ucaron]cha 'louse', Skt. plusis (a noxious insect), Arm. lu (prob. fr. *pluso-), Lat. pūl-ex (prob. fr. *pusl-ex): there seem to be four primitive forms, bhlus-, plus-, pusl-, and psul-.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (3):
    • Aristophanes, Clouds, 145
    • Xenophon, Symposium, 6.8
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 6.26
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