(prōmīstī for
prōmīsistī, T., Ct., prōmīsse, Ct.),
missus, ere, to let go, put forth, let hang down, let grow: capillum
ac barbam, L. —Fig., to set in view, assure beforehand,
foretell, predict: mihi alqd de eventu rerum promittendum: ut (di)
primis minentur extis, bene promittant secundis.—To set in view,
promise, hold out, cause to expect, give hope of, assure: dicebam
omnia te promissurum: carmen, H.: opem, O.:
ea quae tibi promitto ac recipio: tibi me promittere
noli, i. e. do not expect me, O.: domum Iovi
promissum, vowed: Laribus cristam galli, Iu.:
me ultorem, V.: promitto, spondeo,
Caesarem talem semper fore civem, etc.: se remedium adferre tantamque vim
morbi levaturum esse promisit, Cu.: de me tibi sic promitto atque
confirmo, me, etc.: si quid promittere de me Possum, H.—Ellipt.:
qui damni infecti promiserit, i. e. became responsible for possible damage.—To
make an engagement, promise to come: ad fratrem: ad cenam mihi,
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